Free Speech License
February 28, 2004
1 Praeambel
1.1 License
This document is licensed as
described in section 4.
1.2 Version
This is version 1.0.0 of the Free
Speech License.
1.3 Definitions
The author of the document
that has been put under this license has chosen
to put it under this license. From here on
that document is refered to as The Document
and the author or group of authors as The
1.4 Summary
This license assumes that The
Right for Free Speech is an important right and
should be constitutional in all countries. It tries
to make a point what Free Speech is all about
and that The Author of The Document only
tries to exrpress him-/herself and should not
* suffer a major risk from that. This License also
intents to be a good read or even funny.
1.5 Using This License
You can put your own
documents under this license by stating such and
providing this license or a link to where it can be
2 Terms of Use
2.1 Understanding
This license assumes that
you don’t fully understand it.
This is very common in other licenses, too. Thus
it shouldn’t be necessary to explicitly state this.
Nevertheless, you have been warned and continue
reading The Document on your own risk. All the
items from this license take effect even if you
don’t understand them.
2.2 Thinking
You are allowed to think for
As far as the author of The Document is concerned
you may think whatever you want. This includes
thinking about the contents of This Document
and to build up an opinion whether you like it or
not. You are allowed to think thoughts that
are derived from The Document. Derived
thoughts may appear in you mind while you are
reading The Document and/or later when
you think about The Document and/or its
Thinking for yourself might be against your local
or otherwise relevant law in which case this part
of this license is not effective.
2.3 Speaking
You are allowed to speak.
As far as the author of The Document is concerned
you may speak about your own thoughts,
including those as described in section 2.2 freely.
This includes the right to speak about The
Document and/or its contents to other people.
When doing this you are allowed to differ from
the opinions of The Author as described in The
Document. You are allowed to say that you don’t
like The Document and/or don’t agree with it.
You are also allowed to like it and to agree with
The Author.
Speaking what you think might be against your
local or otherwise relevant law in which case this
part of this license is not effective.
2.4 Blaming
You must not blame The Author.
The Author just makes use of his/her Constitutional
Right for Free Speech as is common in many
countries. If The Author does not own any such
right he/she is not allowed to use this license
Blaming someone might be against your local or
otherwise relevant law in which case this part of
this license is not effective.
2.5 Copying
You are allowed to copy The
Document but there should be no need to.
The Document only contains thoughts by The
Author in written form. The Author states by
using this license that he/she does not think that
thoughts can be owned in any way or patented
or copyrighted. Thus he does not own the
contents of The Document and you are free to
use them on your own.
More than that you are allowed to think for
yourself (see section 2.2 for details on this).
Copying something might be against your
local or otherwise relevant law in which case this
part of this license is not effective.
2.6 Laughing
You are allowed to laugh.
As far as the author of The Document is concerned
you may laugh while reading The Document
and/or at and/or about its contents. You are
also allowed to laugh at and/or with The Author
about The Document or something completely
2.7 Parts of The Document
Whenever you
are given a right that can be applied to The
Document (such as thinking or speaking about it
as described in sections 2.2 and 2.3 respectively)
the same applies to parts of The Document.
3 Limitations
3.1 Freedom
Freedom is a terminus of ethics
and thus not absolute. Your freedom ends where
anotherones freedom begins.
3.2 Humor
The Document may contain various
forms of humor such as sarcasm, irony, and may
make you laugh.
If you take all this too serious you probably lack
a bit of humor.
3.3 Salvatoric Clause
If any part of this
license might be against the local or otherwise
relevant law or become ineffective in any other
way, the rest of the license does not loose it’s
4 Meta License
This license is a document put under this license
as you just read it.