

Various stuff that didn't fit anywhere else, just what everyone else is using "misc" for, right? Actually I dropped some of the old stuff that was here.


Verschiedenes, das sich sonst nicht unterbringen ließ. Einige der alten Sachen habe ich für die Welt als nicht mehr relevant erachtet und fallen gelassen.


Soweit mir bekannt das erste deutschsprachige Clojure-Buch. Erschienen im dpunkt.verlag im September 2010.

Talks and Articles and Stuff

See Talks and Articles and Stuff

Configuration Files


XEmacs and GNU Emacs

Essays and Writings

Very, Very Old Essays and Writings

These articles are just kept here for entertainment. Nothing of this is really relevant anymore. The world has changed and I don't like ranting in public anymore.

Lyrical World

See Lyrical